In the News.

Media coverage featuring “Avery and the Special Shoe”.

April 20, 2023


Local author writes children’s book to celebrate the special in everyone

Jeff Somers releases Avery and the Special Shoe, with illustrations by Meaghan Smith


Moncton – Jeff and Andrea Somers’ young daughter Avery is a lot of things – smart, funny, kind, brave. She’s also a person living with Cerebral Palsy (CP). When Avery was diagnosed as a toddler, the Somers’ looked for all available resources to support their daughter, including books.

“It’s been a learning curve for all of us”, explained Somers. “There were lots of storybooks to help us learn all sorts of things about being a kid. But not many where Avery could see herself in the story. So, I decided to write one.”

One of the things that helps Avery in her day-to-day life is using a leg brace called an AFO, but for the Somers family, it’s always been simply known as Avery’s Special Shoe. This became the inspiration for Somers’ first children’s book – a story that focuses on Avery and her discovery of her very own special.

Somers reached out to singer-songwriter and illustrator Meaghan Smith to be part of the special shoe story. The Juno and ECMA winner, based out of Halifax, was thrilled to be part of the project.

“When I heard Avery’s story, I knew that I wanted to be involved”, says Smith. “Having the honour of bringing these pages to life has been wonderful. As a mom, I can see how a story like this will become a favourite in many households.”

Since Avery’s diagnosis, the Somers family has had support from physicians and medical professionals at the Moncton Hospital, care teams at the Stan Cassidy Centre for Rehabilitation, teachers and educational assistants with Anglophone East School District, groups through Cerebral Palsy New Brunswick, Canada, and more. Somers hopes that this book will be a valuable resource to organizations who have been so supportive to Avery throughout the years.

“This started as a special project for our family, but I quickly started to see it could be so much more than that”, explains Somers. “It’s our hope that this story can help other families navigate their own journey of special – whatever that looks like.” 

The book officially launches on April 30 at an in-store event at Chapters Indigo in Moncton, New Brunswick. Jeff, Meaghan (and Avery!) will be at the store for a signing and celebration.  

Avery and the Special Shoe is available now for preorder at



Media Contact:

Jillian Somers





Avery and the Special Shoe Promo Video

Cover Art

Book Launch Promo

Author Photo: Jeff Somers

Illustrator Photo: Meaghan Smith

Photo: Avery Somers